A blog about a kid. I like her.

Friday, August 10, 2007

A Weekend Without Aletheia

Aletheia's mommy and I are taking a weekend trip to Durham, North Carolina, which is approximately 1841.342 miles away from here. We have to leave at 7:15 to catch our flight, so last night we left Aletheia with her adopted grandparents, Nana Freda and Papa Doug, who are keeping her for the weekend. Nothing about that is making me irrationally nervous, and it is just a coincidence that I happened to wake up at 3:45 a.m., unable to fall back asleep, here on the first night that Aletheia has stayed away from home without us. I am not having to fight any impulses to call and check on her, and I certainly haven't dreamed up forty-three different things that could go horribly wrong while we are away from her. Nor have I looked up any childhood disease information online to see what things she could possibly be diagnosed with before Sunday night. I'm just saying this for the record.

No, the purpose of this early early early morning post is simply to say that with our travels this weekend, there'll be no new Aletheia pictures until Sunday night or Monday--possibly later if she's all covered with scabs and pustules when we get back. We should probably wait for those to clear up some.

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I'm a guy with a small daughter and a big bookcase. You can reach me at gate42b(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

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