A blog about a kid. I like her.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

During and After

I know there has been a lot of suspense out there among Aletheia Update fans about how the haircut went, so I will give you not one, not two, but three pictures in just one post so you can see the final result.

Sharon did a nice job with Aletheia, and she was about as cooperative as a 13 month old can be during the procedure. She got to hold her own hairbrush, and that made everything better.

20070807 Aletheia-10 APOD

Mommy had just gotten a fresh haircut, too, and she held Aletheia through the process. She did not, no matter what it looks like here, choke Aletheia and pull off her left ear. It wasn't even a consideration.

20070807 Aletheia-14 APOD

Afterward, another daddy-daughter pose. If anything, she nudged even higher up on the cuteness scale, achieving a near-record 9 3/4 Gerbers.

Her daddy, unfortunately, remained unimproved.

20070807 Aletheia-33 APOD

13 Months, 4 Days

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I'm a guy with a small daughter and a big bookcase. You can reach me at gate42b(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

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