13 Months, 27 Days
A blog about a kid. I like her.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Light and Dark
This picture was a happy accident. I have a simple external flash that I set up sometimes to fill in the light in indoor pictures. I had set it off to the side, but Aletheia saw it and walked over to pick it up. I snapped the picture anyway, and really love how it turned out.
13 Months, 27 Days
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Emotional Range
Aletheia seems to have become a lot more expressive in recent weeks. Her smiles are broader, her laughs are louder, and her frowns--well, they're pretty intense. Sometimes we think she does it as a joke. She'll get a really concerned look on her face, and then when we react to it, she'll burst out laughing. I didn't expect that she would be emotionally gaming me while she was still in diapers, but she could just be a prodigy.
13 Months, 19 Days
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I think the thing that covers the bathtub faucet is supposed to be a duck, but I don't think ducks have that weird crown thing on their heads. So it looks more like a chicken to me--a chicken in the last stages of death from the Ebola virus, spewing liquids out its beak with incredible force.
But I just tell Aletheia it's a sweet little duckie. She doesn't need to know everything that goes on in her daddy's head.
13 Months, 16 Days
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Mind the Gap
Here's another one where Aletheia lunged for the camera. It's off-center and out-of-focus, but we captured a great smile--one so big you can see all of her front teeth, and the sizeable gap between her incisors. We use it for extra storage.
13 Months, 15 Days
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
In Bath, With Belly
Aletheia lunged toward the camera, so the top of her head got cut off (in the picture, not as a punishment), but the look on her face made me laugh so much I had to post it.
We had a great trip to Durham--it was a really nice change from the high desert environment we're used to--and we met a lot of great people, as well as getting better acquainted with some folks we already knew. And we didn't worry about Aletheia too much, although during a layover I realized that we hadn't made a will yet, and almost no one knew who we wanted custody to go to if the next plane went down, so I called Nana Freda and Papa Doug to be sure they had the names and numbers of the next people to raise the world's smartest, strongest, prettiest baby girl if we didn't get back safely. As you can tell, that information wasn't needed (yet).
13 Months, 11 Days
Friday, August 10, 2007
A Weekend Without Aletheia
No, the purpose of this early early early morning post is simply to say that with our travels this weekend, there'll be no new Aletheia pictures until Sunday night or Monday--possibly later if she's all covered with scabs and pustules when we get back. We should probably wait for those to clear up some.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
During and After
Sharon did a nice job with Aletheia, and she was about as cooperative as a 13 month old can be during the procedure. She got to hold her own hairbrush, and that made everything better.

Mommy had just gotten a fresh haircut, too, and she held Aletheia through the process. She did not, no matter what it looks like here, choke Aletheia and pull off her left ear. It wasn't even a consideration.

Afterward, another daddy-daughter pose. If anything, she nudged even higher up on the cuteness scale, achieving a near-record 9 3/4 Gerbers.
Her daddy, unfortunately, remained unimproved.

13 Months, 4 Days
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Before the Haircut
Aletheia's hair was starting to get into her eyes, so her mommy took her to get a haircut today. I came along to document the event, but mommy insisted on taking a daddy-daughter shot before the snipping began.
13 Months, 4 Days
Watching Sea Lions
Yep, another trip to the zoo. This one didn't have rhinoceroses or storks, which were her apparent favorites at the San Antonio Zoo, but she did enjoy watching the sea lions swim by her.
13 Months, 1 Day
Monday, August 06, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Blog Archive
- Protest
- Light and Dark
- Learning to Feed Herself
- Smiles at Lunchtime
- Emotional Range
- Touching the Rail
- Baby Einstein
- Portrait in Black and White
- Turducken
- Mind the Gap
- Closeup in the Bath
- In Bath, With Belly
- A Weekend Without Aletheia
- During and After
- Before the Haircut
- Watching Sea Lions
- Tiger Ride
- Story-telling
- A Kiss From Grammy
About Me

- Pater Aletheias
- I'm a guy with a small daughter and a big bookcase. You can reach me at gate42b(AT)yahoo(DOT)com
We have changed
diapers since July 19, 2006