20060908 Aletheia 025 APOD, originally uploaded by PaterAletheias.
Internet access has been restored at AU headquaters, and I am back from my Jeopardy! audition in LA. If I get lucky, they'll call me for the show and I'll get to win some money for the kid's college fund.
She just keeps getting cuter, of course. Too cute, apparently, for the focus to capture, and too cute for the frame to hold. Color slides right off of her.
2 Months, 5 Days
So glad you are back. It's been almost a week since we were there and I'm sure she has changed tremendously. Still cute - as always. Give her a "cuddle" for me.
Yeah!!! You are back!! I missed the little sweetie...As you know, she is still cute.
By The Way-
If you win money at Jeopardy I know everyone will be asking for some of it...Soooo... I'm asking first!
I just want gas money so we can come see you guys...and Alethia of course. If you win a ton of dough we would take plane tickets:) Just thought you should consider it before you are too rich to think straight.
Hey, Lyndon's roast script was hilarious!!! Kenneth and I were dying laughing!Pot-Luck was my favorite. You out-did yourself Kirkie!
See ya- Deborah
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