A blog about a kid. I like her.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Aletheia and Grammy

Grammy? Grammie? Grammi? I don't know. Judges, can we get a ruling?

However you spell it, Grammy is Aletheia's paternal grandmother, who flew out for a visit this week, and even accompanied us on our trip to see our friends in Juarez. (Something a lot of grandmothers probably wouldn't feel comfortable doing.) Thanks for making the effort to come out, Grammy!

8 Months, 13 Days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a great visit this week. It was certainly a spring break I will always remember. What great fun - watching her first attempts to crawl, listening to the new sounds she is able to make (that very creative trilling she does), getting to feed her, and our special early morning visit while mommy and daddy slept a little later one morning.
Alethiea - I miss you, sweet baby girl!

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I'm a guy with a small daughter and a big bookcase. You can reach me at gate42b(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

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